Open Learning Space promotes positive learning experiences

A strong focus on rea­ching spe­ci­fic goals
We take ple­nty of time to get to know our stu­dents and crea­te a safe space for self-expres­si­on and lear­ning, whe­re stu­dents are also able to dis­cuss issues affec­ting their lear­ning skills. This approach enhan­ces self-esteem as well as streng­thening the student’s skills at school. Cus­to­mi­sed lear­ning pro­vi­des opti­mal pre­pa­ra­ti­on for achie­ving goals at school or to reach hig­her levels of learning.

Our focus:

  • Moni­to­ring of each student’s pro­gress by the tea­cher and pedago­gi­cal super­vi­sor on a regu­lar basis
  • Cus­to­mi­sed lear­ning envi­ron­ment and lear­ning expe­ri­ence tail­o­red to the uni­que lear­ning style and pre­fe­ren­ces of each student
  • Strong focus on gra­de improvement
  • Cri­ti­cal feed­back after every 5th lesson

The tutors at Open Lear­ning Space help to bridge gaps and sup­port the student’s abili­ty to acqui­re skills in cri­ti­cal com­pre­hen­si­on and ana­ly­ti­cal thin­king befo­re a situa­ti­on ari­ses or beco­mes cri­ti­cal. We belie­ve that prac­ti­se and encou­ra­ge­ment are cru­cial to impro­ved lear­ning. By careful­ly scaf­fol­ding the lear­ning expe­ri­ence we teach our stu­dents how to stu­dy on their own, which sub­se­quent­ly leads to more self-reli­ance, a pro­ven requi­re­ment for motivation.

Let‘s get structured 
Our tea­ching phi­lo­so­phy revol­ves around making sure that no stu­dent is left behind; we give extra home­work if requi­red and pro­vi­de com­pre­hen­si­ve feed­back so that our stu­dents know whe­re to impro­ve. Short-term, mid-term and long-term goals will be dis­cus­sed with par­ents and stu­dents in order to get maxi­mum effec­ti­vi­ty out of our tea­ching efforts. After every 5th les­son we pro­vi­de par­ents with feed­back about the pro­gress of their child.

Free trial lesson