Terms & Conditions

1. Over­view                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This The web­site is ope­ra­ted by Open Lear­ning Space GmbH (OLS). Throug­hout the site, the terms “we,” “us” and “our” refer to OLS. OLS offers its ser­vices, inclu­ding all infor­ma­ti­on from this site to you, the user, sub­ject to your accep­tance of all terms, con­di­ti­ons, poli­ci­es and noti­ces sta­ted here. OLS offers Pri­va­te Tuto­ring, a Math-Club and Pre­pa­ra­ti­on Cour­ses for the „Gym­na­si­ums“ of Zurich in Zurich See­feld as well as other pre­pa­ra­to­ry clas­ses con­cer­ning the other schools of the school sys­tem of the City and Can­ton of Zürich.

2. Con­clu­si­on of Contract
By accep­ting the recei­ved offer the legal guar­di­ans ack­now­ledge our terms & con­di­ti­ons as well as the actu­al pri­ces published on our web­site. The con­tract is valid as soon as we con­firm the offe­red pri­va­te tuto­ring ses­si­on, pre­pa­ra­ti­on cour­se for „Gym­na­si­ums,“ the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in our group cour­ses or other tutorials.

3. Pri­ces
The pri­ces of the ser­vices are in Swiss Francs (CHF). All pri­ces are sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout noti­ce. The pri­ces sta­ted on our offers are sole­ly applicable.

4. Pay­ment
Stu­dents who wish to reser­ve a fix weekly time slot for a 50 minu­te pri­va­te tuto­ring ses­si­on need to pre­pay for a set of 10 les­sons, paya­ble in advan­ce. We pro­vi­de a free test les­son befo­re the first set of 10 les­sons. A sche­du­led free test les­sons cos­ts CHF 60.- if less than 6 hours’ noti­ce is given of a can­cel­la­ti­on. Stu­dents wit­hout the com­mit­ment descri­bed abo­ve may sche­du­le les­sons on an “as nee­ded” basis, at the appro­pria­te hour­ly rate. Pay­ment must be made at the time of sche­du­ling. Once a ses­si­on is sche­du­led, the­re will be no refund for any cancellation.

5. Can­cel­la­ti­on / Refund Policy
At least 24 hours’ noti­ce must be given by the cli­ent to the tutor of the can­cel­la­ti­on of a tuto­ring ses­si­on for any reason whatsoe­ver. If less than 24 hours’ noti­ce is given of a can­cel­la­ti­on, the cli­ent remains respon­si­ble for the full fee. Can­cel­la­ti­on for les­sons on Mon­days must be done befo­re 9am on Mon­day mor­ning. The­re will be no refund if les­sons are not can­cel­led as descri­bed above.

5.1. Group Clas­ses (Math-Club):
Per each 10 les­son packa­ge 2 can­cel­la­ti­on can be made free of char­ge. Addi­tio­nal missed les­sons will be char­ged. Group clas­ses have a maxi­mum of 4 pupils.

5.2. Pre­pa­ra­ti­on Cour­ses „Gym­na­si­um“:
Full pay­ment for all cour­ses is due at the begin­ning of each term. All cour­se mate­ri­als are included. In order for Open Lear­ning Space GmbH to con­ti­nue pro­vi­ding qua­li­ty edu­ca­ti­on at reasonable pri­ces, we can­not allow resche­du­ling or pri­va­te refunds for missed group clas­ses. Pre­pa­ra­ti­on cour­se can­cel­la­ti­ons cost CHF 200 if writ­ten noti­fi­ca­ti­on is recei­ved 14 days pri­or to the first day of class. No refund will be made otherwise.

6. Con­tract termination
Open Lear­ning Space can ter­mi­na­te any con­tract out of important reasons, such as repea­ted vio­la­ti­on of the house rules or repea­ted dis­tur­ban­ce of class. The­re is no refund of paid fees.

7. Ful­fill­ment of Duties
Open Lear­ning Space GmbH car­ri­es out the tuto­ring ser­vices in a pro­fes­sio­nal man­ner with due skill, dili­gence and care and obser­ve the client’s con­fi­den­tia­li­ty at all times in respect to pri­va­te infor­ma­ti­on. Sub­sti­tu­te tea­chers can be appoin­ted by OLS.

8. Lia­bi­li­ty
Par­ents and/or legal guar­di­ans ack­now­ledge that a student’s fail­ure to per­form on any test to assess a student’s intel­li­gence, know­ledge and/or aca­de­mic abili­ties at the level expec­ted shall not con­sti­tu­te a breach of this con­tract. OLS is not respon­si­ble for insu­rance arran­ge­ments in respect of the tutor pro­vi­ding tuto­ring services.

9. Insu­rance                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pupil’s per­so­nal pro­per­ty is not cover­ed by the insu­rance of OLS when on our pre­mi­ses. We accept no respon­si­bi­li­ty for loss or dama­ge to pupil’s per­so­nal property.

10. Data Protection
Per­so­nal data pro­vi­ded by or rela­ting to par­ents and/or legal guar­di­ans and pupil will be used by the Open Lear­ning Space GmbH only for the pur­po­ses of fee bil­ling and coll­ec­tion; main­tai­ning pupil records and correspondence.

11. Chan­ges to Terms
We may, at any time modi­fy the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons with or wit­hout noti­ce fur­ther noti­ce. Any such modi­fi­ca­ti­on will be effec­ti­ve 30 days after public posting.

12. Gene­ral
This agree­ment is gover­ned by the laws of Switz­er­land and the par­ties sub­mit to the juris­dic­tion of the courts of Zürich. The­se terms con­sti­tu­te the who­le agree­ment bet­ween the par­ties and no varia­ti­on or altera­ti­on of the­se terms shall be valid. Open Lear­ning Space and the cli­ent ack­now­ledge that the­se terms govern legal rights and obli­ga­ti­ons bet­ween them.

Zurich, 26/03/2024