Sekundarschule personal tutoring in Zurich Seefeld

by arrangement

Does your child need sup­port with the „Sekun­dar­schu­le“ cur­ri­cu­lum? We can help if dai­ly stu­dy­ing or home­work beco­me a bur­den or when cer­tain short­co­mings jeo­par­di­se ent­rance to the „Gym­na­si­um“. Rea­ching chal­len­ging goals some­ti­mes requi­res long­term pre­pa­ra­ti­on. We work with suc­cessful lear­ning stra­te­gies in Mathe­ma­tics, Ger­man or French. Prac­ti­cing, con­so­li­da­ting, under­stan­ding — expe­ri­en­ced tutors offer expl­ana­ti­ons as well as sup­port short- and long­term stu­dy­ing design, deploy­ing sup­ple­men­ta­ry stu­dy­ing mate­ri­als as needed.

Chal­lenges are made to be met!

Free trial lesson
  • Mathe­ma­tics
  • Geo­me­try
  • French
  • Ger­man
  • DAZ
  • Eng­lish
  • Che­mis­try
  • Bio­lo­gy
  • Phy­sics